Sunday, August 30, 2009

It’s now the end of three days and I have learned a few things. A) Don’t leave your vegetables on the counter when you are going to be gone for a long time; B) Expect problems. I went to that slumber party event and thought I had everything covered, but left my vegetables on the counter at home. So, I tried my hardest to find food that I could eat on the plan. I succeeded to some extent by finding a bistro that I could just get a plain ham and cheese sandwich and they had low-fat bread. However, during the next six hours with nothing to snack on that was on the plan was not fun. I succumbed to two little bundt cake samples that were literally forced in front of my face at the event and then even had a bit of popcorn. I actually did not really even want them, but it was more the IDEA of eating them that I wanted. I don’t feel I went off horribly, as they were small bite size little cakes, but you all know that both Jed and I tell you that just three small bites of something you are wanting will actually stop the craving and that was completely true in this case. I really did not want anymore after eating those.

Today, however, has been a bit of a challenge. It has been crazy hectic and has been hard to stay on a schedule. I did breakfast on the run, but got it in. Then after going to Church, I didn’t have time for a real lunch and ate it standing up as I was running out the door, and didn’t get a full lunch. Then by 7, very late for me to eat, Chinese food ended up being the dinner choice and I ate double portion of the rice, as I was hungry by then, and most of the meat was fried, which is not good. It’s like a sabotage thing. If you don’t take time to plan out the eating portion of your day, you end up eating what is in front of you, without thinking about good alternative choices. I know I didn’t overeat a lot, but it was enough for me to feel like I totally blew the day. So, what shows up at that point, but the, “since you have blown the day already, just give up and go eat what you want.” So, I started tapping and tapped out all of those cravings for deserts and the desire to just feel like I blew everything.

As a side note, I also tapped out yeast and sugar in combination, because after eating I started to crave something sweet, and that is the overabundance of yeast in your system that triggers that kind of a response. Especially if you have eaten a meal high in fat content, which I am pretty sure all that lovely fried sweet and sour chicken was.

So, here I am telling the whole world that I blew the third day just because I got busy and didn’t plan it out and allow for the good snacks throughout the day. I have noticed a pattern with me, though, that I hadn’t realized before. I am very much a type “A” personality. LOL (I did know that one!) But, what I do is eat a really good breakfast, and get through lunch just fine, but the busier my day gets and the more hectic it gets the worse I get at making good food choices. I go for the convenient things. Something easy to just either fix or warm up, and that usually means higher in fat content and not as healthy.

So, how do you fix something that is a pattern of behavior? That’s when your 9-gamut point comes in handy really well. I am tapping in the desire to make great food choices even when stressed and in a hurry into my brain centers, especially my amygdala, and then tapping in the desire to create a plan, by tapping out the desire to put off figuring out my evening meals until I am finished from work. That would be the huge procrastination center that most people have that is centered in the prefrontal cortex area.

So, now I am making a plan and planning out my week. Something I procrastinate doing all the time. I will blog more as we go along. I am meeting with the coach’s tomorrow and see how I am doing and then plan out phase 2. See ya at that point.

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